martes, 20 de febrero de 2018

Valentin's day in south korea: Food

In South Korea, people express their love for each other by giving them chocolates, chocolates, and homemade cookies. If the other person ended up liking the letter, he would have to give it to someone else who gave it to him but already expressing his true feelings.

Valentin's day in Ecuador:

On this special date, music may or may not be a determining factor when lovers go to surprise their girlfriend or partner. They can dedicate some song to him outside of his house so that it is more interesting, obviously they should be songs that they like.

Valentine's day in Ecuador: Food

In Ecuador, this special date for friends and lovers, there really is no official meal of these festivities. If what people want is to celebrate their friendship with others, they go out to the prudent places to try the food that there is in that moment, or that they want it; since the important thing to do with your best friends.
However if it is to surprise your boyfriend or girlfriend, the most common would be to give some chocolates, they can be gummies, or any kind of well decorated candy; Or take them to an official restaurant.